Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Proverbs 31 Woman

I was doing a study on the Proverbs 31 woman and her traits. Here is just a small list of what I got out of my study:

-Virtuous: (Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies." Others: Ruth 3:11 and Proverbs 12:4) Morally excellent. The quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.

-Gracious: (Proverbs 11:16 "A gracious woman retains honor...") Excellence of manners or social conduct. Characterized by charm, good taste, amd generosity of spirit. Good, kind.

-Wise: (Proverbs 31:26 "She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness." Others: 2 Samuel 20:22, Exodus 35:26, and Proverbs 14:1) Believers endowed with spiritual and practical wisdom. Prudent, sensible, practically wise.

-Prudent: (Proverbs 19:14 "Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the Lord.") to have understanding. Discretion in practical affairs. Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment.

-Good: (Proverbs 31:12 "She does him good and not evil All the days of her life." Others: Proverbs 18:22 and Proverbs 31:18) that which is pleaing or valuable or useul. Having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified.

There are many more things that the Proverbs 31 woman is... kind, gentle, loving... and the list goes on. What a wonderful example the Lord has given us woman to work on becoming like! When you think of the Proverbs 31 woman... what are your thoughts?
When I think of her I think of hard working, kind, a wonderful wife and mother, loving, industrious... I could go on with that list as well. ;-)

But one of the things that sticks out to me the most is she is a servant. She serves her husband, her children, her maidservants, and the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:15 & Proverbs 31:20). Even Jesus didn't come here to be served but to serve (Matthew 20:28). There is so much we can do for others, if we just put self away and think of other's needs instead of our own (Matthew 20:26).

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