Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~Day 3~

A favorite book
I used to not be much of a reader, but here recently I've come to enjoy reading immensely! It's probably one of my favorite things to do!! I like to read how to books, and books like these: (but I'm not much of a novel reader yet... but perhaps I will be one day! ;-) )

This is one of my favorite books! I've enjoyed reading it a lot! Debi has also written one for single young ladies! I haven't read it yet tho.
Then who couldn't love this book? I enjoy it every time I read it! It can make me laugh and cry! I love how she grows more and more into the godly woman God wants her to be!


Johanna said...

Both of those books are some of my favorites too! :-) Good reading!

Kittydid said...

I love those books too!!!