Saturday, July 16, 2011

Change is in the air!

Lately new and exciting things have been taking place! We have bought our own place! Which seamed to take FOREVER! Especially with the appraisal, closing date, signing papers, and all the rest of the rigamarole that you have to go through to get a house. Never new that there would be so much to buying a place. BUT now it is ours... well at least ours and the loan company's. (HA)

This place has everything we've always wanted! Even the little things that don't matter much, but that seam important to us!

1. It has lovely bay windows with lovely 'window seats'!!! Always wanted those!

2. It has a HUGE pantry!!! NOT kidding! It's about the size of a bedroom! : D Can't explain how much I've wanted one of those!! I'm a collector of buckets filled with food! And they aren't the best looking things... even with dollies and some sort of ornament on top! ; )

3. It also has a fireplace in the master bedroom!!! How fun is that!? Always thought that it would be fun to have breakfast in bed one Saturday morning with a blazing fire, in the heart of winter!

4. It has 5 bedrooms! All are huge! So until we have our 12 or more children (Lord willing ; ) ), we have room to have a sewing/office room and a guest bedroom/school room! Isn't that wonderful!!! Always wanted a sewing room! :-)

5. It has a built in china cabinet!! Now I can put all sorts of pretties in it! : ) *happy dance*

6. Not only does it have a built in china cabinet, but it has a built in desk as well! So for now I think I shall write letters at that desk! I dearly love to write letters to people!!

7. It also has a wood stove in 'one' of the living rooms! (Yes 'one' of the living rooms, which brings me to #8)

8. It has a Family room, living room, and a living/family room! : )

9. It has a huge master bedroom, with a little breakfast nook off of it, a huge closet, and a master bathroom!

10. It has a laundry room! Yes I get excited about that! When you live in a apartment without one you realize how wonderful it is to have one! You will no longer have to walk to go do your laundry!

11. And the biggest happiest plus of all!!! It has 4.52 acres! : D

I will try to post PICTURES soon! : D

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Some thoughts!

Today I was sitting here at the computer reading a few other blogs and suddenly I heard Susie just giggling away! What a happy thing it is to be the mama to a little girl who is just so happy she giggles at random times! I could not tell really what it was that was making her laugh but whatever it was it made her mama smile! And it not only put a smile on my face but it made me happy altogether!

Then it gets me to thinking about all the ladies out there that are stay at home wives and mamas! Sometimes I think that we feel as tho we are taken for granted or that people think that we don't do anything. Oh ladies! Don't feel that way, you are making a HUGE impact on your children and husbands lives! I hate to think about this thought but what if my little Susie was put into daycare. I would have missed that sweet little random laugh that made my day! Then I think would she even have been happy enough to laugh randomly like that? If I was working or going to school I would miss so many things! Like watching Susie wave for the first time, or crawl, or walk, or say mama, or......... Ooh it just brakes my heart to think of all those sweet babies out there that get put into a place where they don't know anyone. Where they are left in a swing or put in a crib or just put someplace. How they are missing the snuggles from their mama! The sweet kisses! And the thought that mama is just there to protect them as best she can! To pick them up if they bump their head! To rock them to sleep if they are tired! To just LOVE them! Oh what a horrible place a daycare is to me!

For all of you ladies out their who do stay at home. I applaud you! Just think of what you are doing for your husband! You can take care of his little ones! He knows they are safe with you and that they will be trained for the Lord! You can care of his home! Make him feel like a kind in his palace! That is my goal! I know that I fail often in getting this accomplished at times. Sometimes it is hard to get everything done in one day. I do as much as I am able to in the time that I have! And sometimes I just need to rock my baby or rest! To cherish the precious things that only happens once! Also you can know that he can come home after a hard days work and know that you are at home with dinner ready (or started or there is a hope for it soon ; ) ) and a fresh smile on your face that says 'I've been waiting for you ALL day'!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Happiness!! What more can I say?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am Thankful

I am just so thankful for my amazing family! I have THE bestest husband in the whole world! I'm so happy to be HIS wife! Our daughter is simply the sweet little lady! She is such a joy! I love to hear her randomly giggle! Right now she is in a really fun stage where she loves to play with us and gabber! She is now saying 'Da Da', 'Ma Ma', and sometimes 'Hi'! She used to call me 'Ba Ba'... I think it was because the Mmm sound was hard for her to get so she replaced it with B! : ) Now if she's crying sometimes she'll say 'Mama ma ma Ba Ba ba ba'. It's kind of cute.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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Lately I've been feeling like I've been hibernating... just waiting for Spring to come. I miss things like walks in the sun, gardening and many other great outdoor activities! I've been thinking of all the great outdoor things that I really hope to do one day! Like vegetable gardening, canning, herb gardening, raising our own fruit, raising bees, raising animals, and so much more! I want to be self-sufficient!

Speaking of self-sufficiency...

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This is an amazing book! I've been making a lot of my own natural cleaners with this book! It's so much fun to clean with something that you made yourself! And that you feel good about breathing in the fumes! I'm really not a big one on breathing in something that could do some harm... a lot of cleaners tell you to be cautious breathing or not use at all while pregnant, so why would I want to breath them while not pregnant? Plus a lot of the cleaners are really unsafe to have around while there are small children in the house. Even tho you still don't want your children to play with or drink the homemade cleaners, it's not going to necessarily burn their insides if they accidently do.

Have you read this book? Or any other good self-sufficiency book? I would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 1 (31 days to Clean)

On Day one the Mary Challenge is to write a mission statement as to why you want a clean home! Here is mine! : )

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Reasons why I want a clean home

~ because I want my husband to feel like a king in his castle

~ because it’s healthier

~ because you can find things easier

~ because I want to be productive

~ so that I can have company come over and not be scrounging around the day of trying to get things presentable before they get here.

“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” proverbs 14:1

“She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:27